K is for Kōans.

I will now give you your first Kōan:

Should the Jungle Adapt to the Tiger,  Or should the Tiger Adapt to the Jungle?

Although full terms and conditions are below... Now I give you the simple rules of the game:

  1. It begins with a clap 👏 — which I have now physically done in my room.

  2. It will end with three claps 👏👏👏  next Friday at close of business — which I will do physically even if you are not present.

  3. There is only one victory condition: if you convince me to shout a capping phrase like “NENRŌ”! between now and when the session ends. There is more than one capping phrase and each one is mystical, representing progressively higher achievement, until the highest, “Satori”, which is the most breathless, ultimate victory, unto eternal glory in the Olympiad.

I’m not really qualified to teach you this game. If only there were masters and I was one, if only I could provide you with proper instruction, perhaps a bit of context… Nor are there even examples, because no other kōans exist!

K is for Kōans, becoming a Master in The Art of Kōans - if you can master even a single kōan, you possess the secret to understanding them all, and the skill to create your own, and the duty to apprentice others... a celestial power capable of piercing all illusions, which we rarely bestow, may revoke at any time, and must be wielded with care.

<aside> 🗨️ Ready to face the arbiters? Send a challenge to [email protected]. ⚔️




This is a FINITE game. It has a beginning and an ending. You can quit at any time, and we will quit at the specified time - and clap three times, with or without a capping phrase. Because we will only award you with a capping phrase if we feel that you are worthy of the honor, be worthy of the honor, or the capping phrase will instantly lose its mystical power. After all, we only bestow the capping phrase if we see that you’re already wearing the crown.